Monday, 25 June 2012

Here You Go

Hey lovelies!
As promised, here are the pictures of the "glitter gradient" nails my mom did for me. I took these two weeks later, OOPS. So excuse the bit of tip wear and some growth... they look pretty darn good for TWO WEEKS huh!

I also decided to play around with some half pearls and a bow I found. Not my best design choices :P The bow was a mistake and I knew it wouldn't work, but as soon as I put it on, it sunk down into the glitter. It just made itself right at home haha so I left it alone. 

Not sure what that giant pink thing was, but it was HUGE, and it only stayed where it was for the same reason the bow stayed. Ah well, it was fun to fiddle with. This was the least blurry of 6 pictures, and it was really hurting my hand to hold it in that position, so this is the clearest picture you get :P

So what do you think? Not too bad for her first try huh? :)

I told Fingers I would also have the pictures of the completed shelves today, and I DID actually clean my whole nail polish area and took some pictures, but my computer is being a party pooper and won't read my SD card. It always does that when I need to restart it. I swear, my laptop throws tantrums!! Hopefully I'll get those before the end of the week :)

Monday, 4 June 2012

Movin' On Up

I know what you're all thinking. All two of you.
"WHAT? Another post already? What is this world coming to??"
I know. I understand.
There was something I just had to show you.

Check it:

This glorious thing took me and my extremely handy uncle 4.5 hours to make today. 1.5 hours of shopping for supplies, then supper, then 4.5 hours of making the thing. Now that we've figured out what the heck we're doing, we're hoping to bang out the other four (!) tomorrow. Well, by the time you read this... today.

12 sheets of foam board, about $5 each
8 sheets of glittery self-adhesive foam, on clearance for $0.79
1 spool pearly whitish-blueish ribbon, on clearance for $2 (not yet added)
1 replacement glue gun, about $12 (ours blew up)
1 package fresh knife blades, $7ish
roughly 1/4 can hair spray to keep the glitter from attempting a full-on war with my garage :)

Should I have been cutting that stuff with my thumb? Probably not :P I only cut the glittery foam though. I did all of the measuring and marking, and some of the gluing. Have any of you had a glue gun explode before? I was marking measurements on the foam, and my uncle was trying to work out how to fix some problem or another, and we heard a godawful loud pop crash bang. I looked over in time to see a tiny fireworks show as the gun jumped up off the table top. There was a tiny scorch mark and smoke and everything. In all my years of crafty things, I've never ever had a glue gun blow up.

Anyway, these racks are supposed to hold roughly 90 bottles of polish. I grabbed whatever was closest to me on the table and threw them in there... if I remember correctly, this held 87 bottles. NOT BAD. As soon as we whip up the other four, I can have color coded racks *drool*

ps I can paint my own nails!! :D I have to get other people to open and close the bottles for me though. Small victories :)

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Fowl Times

So I was at Sally's yesterday and noticed some bottles of Orly with the -NEW!- collars on.
I investigated.


REJOICE! I was lucky enough to snag Fowl Play for $10 in a pack with Sweet Peacock and Lucky Duck (a severely underrated green!), but for those of you who missed out... CORE COLLECTION. Never again will you have to hunt dusties looking for it :)

Side note, I nearly tore my tendon in two pieces on my dominant thumb. I an unable to paint my own nails. It has been nearly two weeks, and I am going insane. On the other hand (hehe), my mom is getting to practice her badass nail art skills... She wanted to try a gradient, bless her little heart. I had her work with glitters to make it easier :P Pictures to follow as soon as I get some of this topcoat off my... entire hands. :)
